The cables allow to make many exercises for training trunk,
arms and legs. It allows to train and speed up deltoid,
pectoral, dorsal, biceps, triceps, glutei and abdominal.
It is a multivalent and multifunction machine; the superior
and inferior pulleys are adjustable in different points leaving
the user free from trajectories ties. It is equipped with handles
studied to make comfortably exercises without interfering
with the wrists articulations. The structure connecting the two stations has a bar for stretching or simple traction exercises.
The weight stack selection is easy near the user sides.
It is the classic machine for training the medium and
upper back muscles. The feet footrests are under
the seat, the triceps bar or pulling bar is easily
reachable and the lateral weight stack allows to select
the workload seated on the machine. It is versatile
for using and adapted to every kind of user.
It allows the possibility to make two exercises for triceps
and dorsal training, from which come the name Tridors.
It is equipped with counterbalanced system of movement
that gives the opportunity also to women to use it for fitness
only without excessive efforts. It is like a guided lat machine.
With this machine it is not necessary the instructor because
any user will use it correctly without column bending or strange posture. It has front weight stack with adjustable seat
and thighs holder.