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█ScottCare (USA)






ScottCare is excited to add the NICORE External Counterpulsation Therapy (ECP) system to its leading line of non-invasive cardiology products. ECP has been proven to be effective in clinical studies to increase cardiac output and significantly augment retrograde diastolic flow. The NICORE ECP system provides an opportunity to treat and improve the quality of life for “no option” patients who are refractory to medications and those who are non-surgical candidates


ECP Clinical Considerations

The ScottCare NICORE ECP system provides medical professionals with an opportunity to improve the quality of life of many cardiac patients who have exhausted other options.


ECP is indicated for use with:

  • Stable and Unstable Angina Pectoris
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • Cardiogenic Shock


Prior to undergoing ECP therapy, patients should be screened for the following, and medical judgment exercised in deciding whether any of these conditions prevent them from receiving treatment:




  • Cardiac catheterization within one to two weeks
  • Uncontrolled arrhythmias
  • Aortic insufficiency which could prevent diastolic augmentation
  • Presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Severe pulmonary disease
  • Pacemakers in general
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Limiting peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and/or phlebitis. Severe PVD with reduced vascular volume and diminished musculature of the lower extremities
  • Severe hypertension (>180/110mmhg), or heart rate <35 or > 120 bpm
  • Bleeding diathesis
  • Pregnancy

Diagnostic Screening Procedures

  • Doppler Echocardiogram
  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Duplex Vascular Ultrasound
  • Pre- and Post-ECP Nuclear Stress Test











TeleRehab™ Advantage


We’re excited to introduce TeleRehab Advantage 3.0 -- the latest enhancement to this leading telemetry patient monitoring system designed specifically for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation professionals. ScottCare is constantly updating products to serve its customers’ needs. Advantage 3.0 includes sought after enhancements. If you are considering a new rehab telemetry system or are a ScottCare user and haven’t thought about upgrading, give us a call so we can tell you what Advantage can do for you.









TeleRehab™ Advantage

Customized Program Management

Advantage is the only fully customizable system for cardiopulmonary rehab and CHF programs. All data entry screens and report styles can be configured to meet your individual program requirements, and ScottCare provides this service for the life of the system.

Before we had ScottCare, we did the cut and paste for monitoring and charting. Now that we use ScottCare, we save time and use this time to increase the number of patients as well as give quality care. The physicians have complimented us on the multi-session reports which include a summary of all pertinent information for the exercise sessions that the patient has attended. The ScottCare staff has helped educate us, problem-solve and develop forms as needed."

Lorraine Thomas, R.N.
University Hospital Cardiopulmonary Rehab Center
Augusta, Georgia


TeleRehab™ Advantage – the most versatile, powerful and affordable patient monitoring system

ScottCare incorporates the latest available networking and telemetry technology with easy to use software.

  • Fully customizable and scalable
  • Unique automated Outcomes reporting
  • Highly reliable with unsurpassed technical support

ScottCare’s TeleRehab Advantage is a Windows® XP based telemetry patient monitoring system features software designed specifically for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation professionals.

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