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MEDISANA (Germany)

 Health control

Health control

Do you already monitor your body’s health parameters?

MEDISANA products monitor measurable bio-data and relevant body functions, such as blood pressure, pulse rate, heart frequency and body temperature.
Health monitoring is coming more into focus for more people, for two reasons: increasing public awareness of personal health, and constant progress in medical research.

Health monitoring products include a range of blood pressure and pulse rate monitors as well as thermometers and devices to monitor basic heart functions.

Measuring your blood pressure and pulse precisely – so simple with the professional device!

Blood pressure monitor

It's bad enough being ill – at least your temperature is taken quickly and easily!


Home therapy

Home therapy

Do you already give yourself home treatments?

More and more people are using products and technology to treat themselves. This is partly due to demographic developments, but also because of necessary healthcare reforms in many European countries. It is becoming increasingly par for the course that patients must take more responsibility for their own treatment, e.g. of chronic diseases and ailments.

Therapy at home includes products for ultrasonic inhalation, allergy treatment and personal massage. MEDISANA also offers products for pain treatment and electro acupuncture.

Using heat to relieve tension, colds and the like – making you feel good all over!

Soft heat

Relieve tension, improve circulation, apply acupressure – all in the comfort of your home!

Massage devices

Fresh air means improved quality of life and general well-being: at home or at work.




In pain? Then help yourself! With no side effects. Specific application possibilities.

Pain therapy



Home Beauty



Are you already using beauty treatments?

Current home health care trends are accompanied by the development of a body-conscious lifestyle, embracing personal beauty and wellbeing.

In the beauty sector, MEDISANA has specialized in the development and marketing of hand and foot
care products, and hair removal (depilation).

Well-groomed hands and feet need not be expensive! Now you can simply beautify yourself!

Manicure and pedicure device


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